The Fool

A song about madness through the ages.

warning: the videos below contain violent imagery

I. Embarkation: the “Narrenschiff” or Ship of Fools

II. Confinement: the asylum

III. Prescription: the DSM and psychiatric medication

featuring excerpts from Foucault’s Madness and Civilization, music by Caroline Shaw, and original language/poetry

(this video is a preview of the larger piece, the song is “And So” performed by Caroline Shaw and the Attacca Quartet)

panopticon, my home

a devised piece exploring historic and contemporary treatments of “madness”

It’s Blanche Bitch

an original piece about the commodification and consumption of women deemed “hysterical”

focusing on Jean-Martin Charcot’s treatment of the hysterics held in the Salpêtrière Hospital, and its influence on his pupil Sigmund Freud

inspired by and dedicated to Marie “Blanche” Wittman and Louise Augustine Gleizes

featuring images from the Iconographie Photographique de la Salpêtrière, music by Britney Spears, original language and choreography, and some shit Charcot and Freud actually said

let's make some art

let's make some art